Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!

Adventure Obstacle Course

July 27th at  2:30 PM

Ages 5+

Join us for an outdoor obstacle course at the library!

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Art Kids Academy: 123 Blast Off

June 26th at 3:00 PM

Ages 7-12

Join us for an art lesson at the library!

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100 Pts
Ask a Librarian
Ask a librarian for a recommendation. 

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100 Pts
Audiobook Excitement
Listen to an audiobook. 

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Board Game Night

Attend the Board Game Night program at the North Brunswick Library!

Find out more at https://northbrunswicklibrary.org/upcoming-events-for-adults 

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100 Pts
Book to Movie
Read a book then watch the movie version. 

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Check out an adventure movie and watch it
Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Crafty Kids

Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Create a playlist for a road trip
Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Didgeridoo Down Under

July 20th at ??? PM

Ages ??

Join us for a music show at the library!

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Draw a treasure map
Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Dungeons and Dragons

Attend the Dungeons and Dragons program at the North Brunswick Library!

Find out more at https://northbrunswicklibrary.org/upcoming-events-for-adults 

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End of Summer Party

Aug 15th at ??? PM

All Ages

Join us for the end of summer reading party at the library!

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Game Night

Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Go on a food adventure
Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Go on a library adventure
Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Go on a meditative adventure in your mind
Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Go on an imaginary adventure in the park
Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Have a music adventure
Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Housel Fun and Fitness: Daring Adventure Show

Aug 9th at 2:00 PM

Ages 5-12

Join us for a fun and fitness event at the library!

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Lego Club

Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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100 Pts
Library Program
Attend a library program.

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Make a packing list for an epic space adventure
Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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100 Pts
Manga or Graphic Novels
Read a manga or graphic novel book. 

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Peaceful Frogs

Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Plan an adventure
Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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100 Pts
Puzzle It Out
Work on a puzzle for 20 minutes. 

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100 Pts
Read Outside
Read outside for at least 30 minutes. 

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100 Pts
Reading Recommendation
Have someone else pick your next read.

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100 Pts
Recent Read
Read a book published this year. 

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100 Pts
Seed Starter
Check out seeds from the seed library. 

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Silent Meditation & Tea

Attend the Silent Meditation and Tea program at the North Brunswick Library! 

Find out more at https://northbrunswicklibrary.org/upcoming-events-for-adults 

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Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Steve Woyce: Magic Adventure Show

Aug 3rd at 3:00 PM??

Ages ??

Join us for a magic show at the library!

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Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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TaleWise: Science Heroes Adventure of the Lost Treasure

July 8th at 3:00 PM

Ages 5-12

Join us for an interactive science show at the library!

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Therapy Dog

Missions are a way to earn extra points towards your summer reading program goal. All badges and points are awarded on an honor system, though we'd love to hear about and see pictures of your fun adventures! 

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Write reviews of your favorite media
Write four reviews of various books, movies, video games or other media you enjoy!

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